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How to Add OpenLogin to a React app


This tutorial will show you how to integrate OpenLogin authentication into one of the most popular web front-end library: React.

You can find the source code of this is example on Github.

Register your OpenLogin application

In order to use OpenLogin SDK, you'll need to create a project in Developer Dashboard and get your client ID.

App registration is not required for localhost development.

Create your React app

Ignore this step if you're integrating into an existing React project.

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

Install OpenLogin SDK

Install Torus OpenLogin SDK using either npm or yarn:

npm i --save @toruslabs/openlogin

Initialize the SDK on your application's mounted event

Initialize the SDK after your application is mounted using useEffect hook and call openlogin.login when user clicks login in your application.

const VERIFIER = {
loginProvider: "google", // "facebook", "apple", "twitter", "reddit", etc. See full list of supported logins:
clientId: "YOUR PROJECT ID",

function App() {
const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true);

const [openlogin, setOpenLogin] = useState();
const [privKey, setPrivKey] = useState();

const onMount = async () => {

try {
const openlogin = new OpenLogin({
clientId: VERIFIER.clientId,
network: "testnet" // valid values (testnet or mainnet)

await openlogin.init();
} finally {

const onLogin = async () => {
if (isLoading || privKey) return;

try {
await openlogin.login({
loginProvider: VERIFIER.loginProvider,
redirectUrl: "http://localhost:3000/redirect",
} finally {

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

if(isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
return privKey ? (<div>Logged in: {privKey}</div>) : (<button onClick={onLogin}>Login</button>);

Use the private key

After calling openlogin.login and handling redirect result, your application will have access to the user's private key at openlogin.privKey. You can use this private key to sign messages, generate public key to encrypt and decrypt data later, etc.

Generate public key

You can use @toruslabs/eccrypto to generate public key from the user's private key:

import eccrypto from "@toruslabs/eccrypto";

// Corresponding uncompressed (65-byte) public key.
const publicKey = eccrypto.getPublic(privateKey);

This public key can be shared with everyone who wants to communicate with the user.

Sign data

The private key can be used to sign data to indicate that a message is sent by the user.

eccrypto.sign(privateKey, msg).then(function(sig) {
console.log("Signature in DER format:", sig);

Verify signature

Everyone with the user's public key can verify if the message is signed by the user. For example, on server side, you can verify a signed message as a way to authenticate the user:

eccrypto.verify(publicKey, msg, sig).then(function() {
console.log("Signature is OK");
}).catch(function() {
console.log("Signature is BAD");