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Create, initialize, and clean up a Torus web3 instance.


This is the main class of anything related to Torus

const Torus = require("@toruslabs/solana-embed");

Using ES6,

import Torus from "@toruslabs/solana-embed";

Then, create a new instance of Torus.

const torus = new Torus(options);

The Torus constructor takes an object with TorusCtorArgs as input.


  • options - TorusCtorArgs (optional) : The options of the constructor
    • modalZIndex - number (optional) : Z-index of the modal and iframe Default values 99999


  • Object: The torus instance with all its methods and events.



const torus = new Torus();


Initialize the torus object after creation

await torus.init(params);


  • params - TorusParams (optional) : The parameters passed to initialize Torus object

    • buttonPosition: "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-right" | "bottom-left"; (optional)
    • apiKey - string (optional) : Api key - Get yours today at
    • network - NetworkInterface (optional) : The network options. Used for setting a default network
    • buildEnv - enum (optional): The build environment to use. Supported values are production development staging testing
    • enableLogging - boolean (optional) : Enables/disables logging. Useful for debugging
    • showTorusButton - boolean (optional) : Shows/Hides the Torus Button
    • useLocalStorage-boolean (optional) : Prefers to use localStorage instead of sessionStorage for torus iframe. Allows longer lived sessions. By default torus iframe uses sessionStorage. Set this param as true to use localStorage.
    • whitelabel - WhiteLabelParams Params to enable whitelabelling of torus website and widget.


  • Promise<void> : Returns a promise which resolves to void


export interface TorusParams {
* Determines where the torus widget is visible on the page.
* @default bottom-left
buttonPosition?: BUTTON_POSITION_TYPE;
* Api key
* Get yours today at {@link | Dashboard}
apiKey?: string;

* Torus Network Object
network?: NetworkInterface;
* Build Environment of Torus.
* production uses,
* development uses http://localhost:8080 (expects torus-website to be run locally),
* testing uses (latest internal build)
* @default production
* Enables or disables logging.
* Defaults to false in prod and true in other environments
enableLogging?: boolean;
* whether to show/hide torus widget.
* Defaults to true
* @default true
showTorusButton?: boolean;
* Prefers to use localStorage instead of sessionStorage for torus iframe. Allows longer lived sessions
* Defaults to false
* @default false
useLocalStorage?: boolean;
* Params to enable whitelabelling of torus website and widget
whiteLabel?: WhiteLabelParams;


export interface WhiteLabelParams {
* App name to display in the UI
name?: string;
* App url
url?: string;
* Whitelabel theme
theme: ThemeParams;
* Language of whitelabel.
* order of preference: Whitelabel language \> user language (in torus-website) \> browser language
defaultLanguage?: string;
* Logo Url to be used in light mode (dark logo)
logoDark: string;
* Logo Url to be used in dark mode (light logo)
logoLight: string;
* Shows/hides topup option in torus-website/widget.
* Defaults to false
* @defaultValue false
topupHide?: boolean;
* Custom translations. See (examples/vue-app) to configure
customTranslations?: LocaleLinks<unknown>;

export interface ThemeParams {
* If true, enables dark mode
* Defaults to false
* @defaultValue false
isDark: boolean;
* Colors object to customize colors in torus theme.
* Contact us for whitelabel. Example provided in `examples/vue-app`
colors: Record<string, string>;

type Record<K extends keyof any, T> = {
[P in K]: T;

export interface LocaleLinks<T> {
* Item corresponding to english
en?: T;
* Item corresponding to japanese
ja?: T;
* Item corresponding to korean
ko?: T;
* Item corresponding to german
de?: T;
* Item corresponding to chinese (simplified)
zh?: T;
* Item corresponding to spanish
es?: T;
export interface NetworkInterface {
* Block explorer url for the chain
* @example
blockExplorerUrl: string;
* Logo url for the base token
logo: string;
* Name for ticker
* @example 'Solana'
tickerName: string;
* Symbol for ticker
* @example SOL
ticker: string;
* RPC target Url for the chain
* @example
rpcTarget: string;
* Chain Id parameter(hex with 0x prefix) for the network. Mandatory for all networks. (assign one with a map to network identifier for platforms)
* @example 0x1 for mainnet, 0x2 for testnet, 0x3 for devnet, 'loading' if not connected to anything yet or connection fails
* @defaultValue 'loading'
chainId: string;
* Display name for the network
displayName: string;


await torus.init();
await torus.init({
buildEnv: "testing", // uses
enableLogging: false, // default : false
showTorusButton: false, // default: true
whiteLabel: {
theme: { isDark: true, colors: { torusBrand1: "#00a8ff" } },
logoDark: "",
logoLight: "",
topupHide: true,


This cleans up the iframe and buttons created by torus package. If the user is logged in, it logs him out first and then cleans up.

await torus.cleanUp();


  • Promise<void> : Returns a promise which resolves to void.


await torus.cleanUp();